Kinder Outdoor Podcasts
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This Week at Kinder Outdoors

Whitetail Licking Graves

Spring Scouting Whitetail

Come into the camphouse as Billy and Larry Weishuhn, Pro Staff discuss the importance of getting started now in preparing for whitetail fall hunting. Spring is a great time to get into the woods to determine what may be ahead during hunting season.

Learn TIPS from "Mr. Whitetail" as you find sheds; learn about the importance of the attachment area and the importance of fawn survival rate and MORE.

TUNE IN to our KO May 4th Show...


Catching BIG Bass

Catching BIG Bass

Climb on board as Billy and Kelly Jordan, Pro Staff discuss the fascination with fishing for that 20-pound bass. Kelly confidently believes they exist and are catchable.

He will teach you how to prepare your rig for that very rare moment by discussing gear ratio, rod specifics, line needed and MORE.

TUNE IN to our KO May 4th Show...


Vineyards Campground & Cabins

Vineyards Campground & Cabins